Edit Items for Custom Assessments

You have the ability to edit items that have been added to an unassigned custom assessment. Depending on the type of item that you select to edit, the editing options vary.

Note: Items in an assigned custom assessment cannot be edited. You can, however, make a copy of an assigned assessment and then edit the items in a duplicate version. See View or Duplicate Custom Assessments for details.


To edit an item in a custom assessment:

1.    Open the unassigned custom assessment to be edited. Click for details.  


2.    Locate the item to be edited, click the vertical ellipsis button vertical ellipsis button, and select the Edit option.

Show Answer and Edit option shown after selecting the vertical ellipsis button for an item


Note: The item card displays whether the item is editable. If an item cannot be edited, the Edit option does not appear.


An Edit an Item page appears. Depending on the type of item that you selected to edit, the editing options vary.


Edit an Item page


Note: A dialog box appears at the top of the Edit an Item page with a warning that changes to the selected item may affect the accuracy of the standards report associated with the item.

Edit warning dialog box


3.    Edit the item as follows:



Edit the item text

a.    Click in the text box of the item. The field changes to a blue editing box and formatting options appear above the box.

Edit Item text field

b.    Edit the text as desired, and then click out of the editing box.

The editing box closes.

Add answer choices

a.    Below the list of answer choices, click Add button. A text box appears at the bottom of the list

Add answer choice text

b.    Click in the text box. The field changes to a blue editing box and formatting options appear above the box.

Add answer choice text with typing in box

c.    Type the answer choice, as desired, and then click out of the editing box.

The editing box closes, and the new answer choice is added to the list.

Remove answer choices

    Click the Remove attribute button of the answer choice to be removed.

Remove attribute button identified

The item is removed from the list.

Allow multiple responses

    Select the Multiple responses check box, and then add or change correct answer(s), as shown below.

Change the correct answer(s)

a.    Scroll to the Set correct answer(s) section.

Set correct answers box

b.    Select the correct answer(s) for the item.

Shuffle answer choices

    Select the Shuffle options check box. The answer choices are randomly reordered.


Note: While editing an item, you can use the Undo Redo buttons buttons (available in the upper right corner of the page) to undo or redo actions.


4.    Click Save & Done. The edited item is saved within this custom assessment and can be viewed in the My Items list on the Create page. Additionally, the edited item is available to be added to other custom assessments in the My Items tab of the custom assessment Add Items page.


See also:

Add Items to Custom Assessments

Edit Custom Assessments

Create Items for Custom Assessments

Share Custom Assessments