Add a Student to a Class

On the Classes page, you can add existing student accounts to a class.

To add a student to a class:

1.    On the My Schools page, select a school as follows.

      If you are a district administrator, select a school from the list of schools.

The page for the school appears and defaults to the Teachers page, which lists all of the teachers associated with the selected school.

      If you are a school administrator, the Teachers page is the first page that appears.


2.    Click the Students tab. The Students page appears and lists all the students for the selected school.

3.    If necessary, search for the student by doing one or both of the following:

      In the Search Students list box, type all or part of the student's name.

Note: To clear the student search criteria, click the in the list box.

      In the Search Grade list box, click the down arrow and select a grade level.

Note: To clear the grade search criteria, select All grades from the list.

The list of students that meet your search criteria displays on the page.

4.    Click in the row of the student to be added to a class. The Edit Student dialog box appears.


5.    In the Classes field, select a class by doing either of the following:

Click in the field, and select a class from the list.

Type all or part of the class name or the class's lead teacher name and then select the class from the list.


6.    If necessary, remove a class by clicking . The class is removed from the student's class list.


7.    Click Save. The student is added to the new class.


See Also:

Add a New Student

View and Edit Student Information

Remove a Student from a Class

Move Student to Different Class