Get Help

HMH Ed offers several options for you to get the online assistance you need exactly when you need it.

Online Help

A comprehensive, searchable help system is available for Ed.

To open Help:


    In the upper right corner of the banner, click the Help (question mark) icon Question mark icon.

Banner with Help icon pointed out

The Ed Help system opens in a new browser window.


Help offers a Table of Contents panel, which provides an organized grouping of Help topics, and Search fields to help you locate the information that you need. See details as follows:

To locate topics using the Table of Contents (TOC):

      Browse topics using the Table of Contents (TOC) panel located on the left side of the Help page.

      In the TOC panel, click a category heading (shown with arrows in front of the heading title) to view all the topics within that category. The opening topic of each category displays when you click the heading title.

      Click a topic title (shown with topic icons topic icon in front of the title) to open the topic in the main Help window.

TOC panel highlighting an open category with topic titles showing


If you cannot see the TOC panel, do one or both of the following:


To locate topics using the Search fields:

    In either of the Search fields, type a word, words, or key phrase. A list of the topics that match your search entry display in the TOC panel. Then, click a topic title to open and view that topic.


Help page with Search fields highlighted


Note: To open the search field in Table of Contents panel, click the search icon (magnifying glass) Magnifying glass icon.