Download Manager

The Download Manager displays lessons or assignments that are downloaded to your device and also allows you to remove lessons or assignments from your device. Download Manager displays the following information.

      Last Download

      Last Access Date




A teacher can delete any downloaded content, regardless of who downloaded the content.

Important:  Do not delete a lesson from the device while disconnected from the Internet.  When you connect to the Internet, HMH Player automatically syncs your information and notifies you when the process completes.  Once the sync process completes, you can safely delete items from your device.

To view Download Manager:

1.    From the menu panel, tap Settings and tap Download Manager. The Download Manager page appears.

2.    From the Select a Class drop-down, tap one of the following.  The download information appears.

      All Downloaded Items

      A specific class or lesson

Note:  Shared devices can display download information from other users under the heading, Other Users' Downloads.

To remove a downloaded lesson from the device:

    Tap the corresponding Trash icon for the lesson you want to remove.

To exit Download Manager:

    Tap the Return icon from the left side of title bar.