Rostering with OneRoster API

Follow the OneRoster API workflow if you . . .

      are new to Import Management and have an IMS Certified OneRoster API vendor to import data (for example: ClassLink, Skyward, Infinite Campus)

      used OneRoster API last year and plan to use it again this year

      have a SIS vendor that is not OR 1.1 certified; in this case, you can work with our rostering partner in ClassLink with a service called "Roster Server Lite" to help support this need



      If you import using OneRoster API, we provide OneRoster CSV-versions of your files on the Roster Overview page for you to review. The converted files allow you to download the data for the last 30 imports.


      We support OneRoster 1.1 only at this time. Any future versions of the standard must be publicly released by IMS and then we will investigate planning priorities to support at a future date. For the most recent IMS certifications and versions of our products, visit this site:


Note the following about OneRoster API:

Users Object*

      Student/staff ID also known as LASID (Locally Assigned Student and Staff ID) will be set to the sourcedId from the users object. We do not link to “identifier” or other fields as they are not required fields or always unique across all systems. This field is only stored/users in the centralized user store.  

      Email is an optional field in the standard; however, some features such as password reset and certain staff accounts require this data to be populated.

      Password is an optional field. For OneRoster API, we recommend using SSO or supplying values in the password field and sharing those credentials with your end users. If Password is not populated and you are not using SSO, the system will auto-generate a random password which allows teachers to use the Forgot Password feature to set their own platform password and works to reset student passwords in their classes.

      From this object, only Students and Teachers are supported at this time. (Same is true of CSV.)


Classes Object*

      Class ID will be set to the sourcedId from the classes object. HMH does not link to any other fields at this time. This field is only stored/users in Ed.

      If using ThinkCentral or Holt McDougal Online, classes must have a teacher assigned for the class to be created.

      Class Grade is optional in the standard. If it is not populated, we will take the median grade of the students enrolled in the class to create the class grade. If multiple grades are entered, only the first grade in the list will be imported; for example if you enter "6, 7, 8" or "6–9", only "6" is sent.

      Uppercase, lowercase, and all UTF8 versions of a character are considered the same; for example, "e" is treated the same as "E" and treated the same as any UTF-version over the letter "e" including, ë, è, é, and ê (upper and lower case):
"TèyE_123e" is considered a match with "TEYE_123E"

      We do NOT recommend the use of special characters or LASIDs that use last names because last names can change for many reasons (custody, marriage, divorce), which can lead to the removal of old accounts and creation of new accounts. IDs should be numeric and come from your student information system.


Enrollments Object*

      Some features, content, reporting, and user interface pages have class size limitations, and as such, cannot support an unlimited number of users tied to a class. As such, a general rule is to keep class enrollments under 50 students. If any given platform exceeds the number of users allowed, we will reject the creation of that class to that system and report an error. If you have classes like Lunchroom, Study Hall, and so on, it is best to filter that data out from being sent.

      Teachers should not be assigned to more than 50 classes either, regardless if they are team or lead teachers. If you have high number of TBD Staff or Virtual Teacher tied to hundreds/thousands of classes, you may wish to filter that out because some systems cannot support a user tied to more than 50 classes.


*Supported Symbols: !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]_` {|}~\¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬-®¯°±²³´¶¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþ

Quoted identifiers are strongly recommended for characters such as commas (",").

While 255 characters are allowed for certain fields, we may truncate values if necessary to align with platform size requirements.


See Next: Set Up Roster – OneRoster API