TC - Move User Accounts Using Import Process

For ThinkCentral data management, district administrators can move multiple user accounts from school to school or from class to class using the import process. Usernames must be district-level unique. See Tips for Creating Usernames for recommendations.

Note: Only district administrators are allowed to move user accounts from school to school. School administrators do not have access to do this and will receive an import error if they attempt to move users from school to school.

Move User Accounts Using the Import ThinkCentral Template

To move ThinkCentral users via the import:

1.    Download the ThinkCentral template or extract your ThinkCentral file. (See ThinkCentral Template File Details for more information.)

2.    Prepare your import file as needed, noting the following:

      To move a student account (school to school / class to class within the same school / class to class at a different school), enter M (for move) in the Action field (column A).

      To move teacher accounts, refer to the following table.


Type of Move

Entry Required

School to school

      In the Action field (column A), enter M (for move).

Class to class within the same school

a.    In the Action field (column A), enter T (for transfer).

b.    In the Classroom Name field (column S), enter the class name, followed by a pipe ( | ), followed by the teacher's username (Classroom Name|User Name).
(For example: Algebra 1_a|KOMalley_12)

Class to class at a different school

Two separate rows are required (one for the school move and one to link the teacher with the class), as follows:

First row moves the teacher to the new school.

    In the Action field (column A), enter M (for move).


Second row links teacher to the class.

      Does the class already exist in the new school?

      If yes, then do the following:

i.      In the Action field (column A), enter T (for transfer).

ii.     In the Classroom Name field (column S), enter the class name, followed by a pipe ( | ), followed by the teacher's username (Classroom Name|User Name).
(For example: Algebra 1_a|KOMalley_12)

      If no, enter A (for add) in the Action field (column A).


      Change the school (PID) and class details as needed to associate the user account to the new school or the new class.

      For the user accounts being edited, enter A in the Active/Inactive field (column R). Otherwise, the move fails.

Note: See ThinkCentral Import Template File Details for field-level instructions.

Data Impact of Moving ThinkCentral Users


      The student gains access to the resources and assignments of the new class/grade.

      The student continues to have access to all completed assessments and assignments, including notes, annotations, and bookmarks from the previous class/grade.

      The student no longer has access to incomplete (in-progress or not started) assessments and assignments from the previous class/grade.

      The student's previously assigned teacher continues to have access to the student's historical data.

      The student's newly assigned teacher cannot access any of the student's historical data, including assessments and assignments.  

Recommended Best Practice: The newly assigned teacher should request the student's historical data from the previously assigned teacher.


      The teacher no longer has access to any of the previous class's assessments and assignments.

      The teacher has access to the all of the new class's assessments and assignments, including those that are incomplete (in-progress or not started) and completed.

      If no teacher is assigned to the new class, the class becomes "inactive," but the students can continue to access assignments; when a new teacher is assigned to the class, the class becomes "active" again.

      If the resources are the same in both the original (source) school and the target school, then the teacher's custom resources and old assignments are copied for reuse and moved with the teacher's account. (Scores from previous class's assignments are not moved with the teacher.)