Mindset Scan

The Mindset Scan is a survey that asks you about your attitudes and efforts toward learning. It measures your thoughts about your skills and abilities and what you think you can improve through hard work. The results of the survey show how well your mindset, or attitude, affects your ability to learn new and challenging topics. The Mindset Scan also helps teachers introduce fixed and growth mindset attributes as you determine and discuss your mindset as fixed, growth, or mixed.

Keep in mind, there are no right or wrong answers to the Mindset Scan, and you are not graded on this effort.

To work through the Mindset Scan:

1.    From the HMH Student Central page, click Start from the Mindset Scan option. The Introduction page appears.


2.    Click GO ON to start the scan. The survey consists of 18 questions.

3.    Read each question and click an answer that corresponds to your thoughts for the question.



4.    Click GO ON to proceed to the next question. After you answer all questions, your results appear along with reflection questions for class discussion.


5.    Click DONE to exit Mindset Scan.

6.    Close your browser window to return to HMH Student Central.