Self Check

When you finish your recordings, you perform a self check on your Anchor Text recordings. You must complete and submit two recordings of Anchor Text to finish your work in the Reading Zone.


      Click words that you mispronounced. You receive feedback on the number of words you pronounced correctly per minute.

      Prompts appear asking you about your recording.

      Click a face icon below each question to rate your recording.

      Click I Don’t Know, if you are unsure.

      Click GO ON when you finish rating the recording.

      Prompts ask you to select the area you will focus for your next recording.

      Click the check boxes for your choices.

      Click GO ON when finished.


      Once you finish, you are prompted to submit your recording for your teacher’s review in HMH Teacher Central.

      Click Yes to submit your recording.

      Click No to delete the recording.

Important: Your recordings are not saved until you submit them for review, therefore; do not log out or leave the program until your recordings are completed.

      After returning to the Anchor Text, you are prompted to rate your understanding of the segment concept and the Anchor Text content in preparation for the Comprehension Questions.

      Click one of the face icons to rate the segment concept and the Anchor Text.

      Click I Don’t Know  if you are unsure.

      Click GO ON to proceed to the next activity. If you rated yourself with the highest value, you can choose to answer a challenge question for additional points.