Accessibility Support

HMH understands the importance of providing digital educational software to learners of all types. As such, the Dashboard page in ThinkCentral is designed to support users with accessibility needs. This accessibility improvement includes keyboard control to alleviate the need for a mouse and support of screen readers such as JAWS®, Narrator, and so on.

Keyboard Controls

The keyboard controls work as follows:

      Press the Enter key to execute frame or control.

      Use the arrow keys to move a control up/down for things like combo boxes.

      Press the Esc key to leave the group.

      Press the Tab key to move between controls in a forward sequence.

      Press the Shift + Tab keys to move between controls in a backwards sequence.  


On the Dashboard, you can navigate using the following keyboard controls:

1.    Press the Tab key to move through the frames or gadgets.

2.    Once in a gadget you want to use, such as the Resources gadget (or frame), press the Enter key to use the controls within that frame.

3.    Use the Tab key and the arrow keys to move through the resources tiles 1, 2, 3.

4.    To exit the Resources gadget (frame), press the Esc key.

Recommended Screen Readers and Browsers

For optimal performance, HMH recommends the following screen reader / browser combinations:

      Narrator / Windows® 7

      JAWS® Screen Reader / Internet Explorer®

      Window-Eyes / Internet Explorer®

      VoiceOver / Safari®

      NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) / Firefox® and Chrome™

      ZoomText / Internet Explorer®

      ZoomText / Firefox®