Update Your Account

To update your account information and view your administrators:

1.    Refer to the following table to begin.




      In the upper left corner of the page, click Manage Account.

Any ThinkCentral banner page

      In the top menu bar, click the My Account tab, move to the Manage area, and then click Account.


The Update My Account page appears.

2.    Edit your ThinkCentral account information as necessary.



      All of the fields are available for you to update except your Username.

      For password changes, the following Password rules apply (click to view):

      The Password hint questions and answers, which are used to secure your account if you need to reset your password, can be changed using any or all of the question lists and the Answer fields provided.


3.    To receive an email regarding scheduled or unscheduled maintenance that may affect your access to ThinkCentral content, click the Sign up for Platform Availability notifications link, and then complete the form.

4.    To view a list of your administrators and/or apply for administrator access, do the following:

a.    Click the button located below your name and email. A separate page opens listing all of your district and school administrators and their email addresses.

b.    If necessary, use the Administrator Role list to filter the type of administrators displayed (District Administrator or School Administrator).

c.    If you want to apply for an administrator account, click the Apply for Administrator Access link, select the type of administrator role for which you are applying, enter any supporting information in the box provided, and click Send Application. Your application is sent to HMH Customer Support, who will contact you within a week regarding the status of this application.

d.    When done, click Close.

5.    Click Save. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click OK.