Student Dashboard

For some Holt McDougal Online students, the Dashboard is the home page that opens when you log in, where you can manage your resources, assignments, and progress reports.

      View the Student Dashboard tutorial by clicking the following link.

Student Dashboard Tutorial

Note: For My Progress Reports and Assignments you can click the arrow to view more content in a separate window or tab. From any separate window, click Home to return to the Dashboard.

      Click Home to return to this page.

      Click Help to access online help.

      Click Logout to log out of Holt McDougal Online.

      Click the icon to switch to an account in another school or another class if you have more than one account and those accounts have been linked.

My Progress Reports — You can view your assignment scores for the last four weeks.

      The assignments are sorted from the most recent completion date.

      Click the arrow to see more details about the assignment.

My Resources — You can view the resources allocated to you.

      To view any resource, click its icon. The resource opens in a new window or tab.

      To view resources for another program, select the program from the list.

My Assignments — Your active assignments appear, sorted by due date.

      Click Start to begin an assignment.

      Click Resume to continue with an assignment that you have started.

      Click Details to view more information about the assignment.

      Click Notes to view the teacher's notes for the assignment.


See Also:

Log In for Students

Students — Assignments

Students — Reports