Change Language to Spanish

The language that you see when navigating in Ed can be changed from English to Spanish.

To change the language to Spanish:

    In the upper right corner of the banner, click your username initials to view the user menu, and then select Espanol option.

User menu - Espanol option selected


The language used for labels, tabs, buttons, and links changes to Spanish.


Discover page with links in Spanish


Note: This does not change the language of the program in the content area to Spanish.


Spanish navigation selections also appear in your eBooks, as shown below.


eBook with links in Spanish


The language remains Spanish even the next time you log in.


    If you want to change the language of the on-screen labels back to English, click your username initials to view the user menu, and then select English.

User menu with links in Spanish


See Also:

Navigate the Dashboard

Navigate the Discover Page