Edit Virtual Classroom Sessions

If you have scheduled a Virtual Classroom option, you can edit the session details, including the title, date,  time, duration, or attendee list.

To edit a scheduled virtual learning session:

1.    Click the My Classes tab, and then in the left panel, click the Virtual Classroom link. The Virtual Classroom page appears listing scheduled sessions for all of your classes displayed in chronological order.

Dashboard with Virtual Classroom option highlighted


2.    Click the vertical ellipsis button vertical ellipsis button in the box containing the session to be edited. The list of options appears.

Virtual Classroom ellipsis button selected showing list of options


3.    Click Edit. An Edit A Session dialog box appears.

Edit A Session dialog bo


4.    Edit the session, as needed.


5.    Click the Save button. The Schedule A Session dialog box confirms that the session edits are saved.

Edit A Session dialog box showing edits completed


6.    Click Close. The edited session is displayed in your Virtual Classroom widget and on the student Dashboard of the selected students.


See Also:

Delete Virtual Classroom Sessions

Schedule Virtual Classroom Sessions

Start Virtual Classroom Sessions