Holt McDougal Online classes File Details

The classes template file contains all the classes and teachers using Holt McDougal Online. You may populate and submit a single class file that includes both additions and updates to classes, or you may populate and submit multiple class files to separate your district's class data into individual files.

An example of the class.csv template in Notepad is shown below.

An example of the classes.csv import template in Microsoft Excel® is shown below.


    Open a printable version of the Holt McDougal Online classes File Details by clicking the link below.

Holt McDougal Online classes File Details Dictionary (PDF 435 Kb)



      When populating the import template file, required fields must be populated. Fields that are not required may remain empty, but even empty fields must be retained using commas. Do not use a space for an empty field.

      HMH recommends that quoted identifiers be used around all headers and fields.

      If your data set includes special characters, you must save your file as a UTF-8 File. (See Encode Files as UTF-8 for details.)

      Some features, content, reporting, and user interface pages have class size limitations, and as such, cannot support an unlimited number of users tied to a class. As such, a general rule is to keep class enrollments under 50 students. If any given HMH platform exceeds the number of users allowed, HMH will reject the creation of that class to that system and report an error. If you have classes like Lunchroom, Study Hall, and so on, it is best to filter that data out from being sent.

      Teachers should not be assigned to more than 50 classes either, regardless if they are team or lead teachers. If you have high number of TBD Staff or Virtual Teacher tied to hundreds/thousands of classes, you may wish to filter that out because some systems cannot support a user tied to more than 50 classes.

      Click to learn how to remove HMO classes.


Details for each of the template fields are provided in the table below. (Fields that appear in gray are optional.) 


Field Name



Max. Field Length

Valid Values

Sample Entries




Enter the username of the teacher associated with this class.


A–Z, a–z, 0–9, and *symbols acceptable

Note: Spaces are not allowed.


*See Supported Symbols for complete list.





Enter the unique class identification number.



      It is critical that this value be unique across all classes in the district.

      HMH recommends that you add the OrgId to the entries for this CLASS_ID field (123_1111111) as well as the CLASS_NAME field (Alg 1 111111111) to best support classes that may move from org A to org B. If you do not do this, you may encounter situations in which a class cannot be created at a new org because that class already exists (active or inactive) at the original org.


A–Z, a–z, 0–9, spaces, and *symbols acceptable


*See Supported Symbols for complete list.

MySchool-2016-Y8 C4_12345678




Enter the class name.


TIP: For best results, we strongly recommend reviewing the Class Name Tips provided below this table.



      If changing a class roster or product list, but not changing the class name, then leave blank. This value should be entered only one time for each TEACHER_USERNAME + CLASS_ID combination.

      For each teacher, class name must be unique across all schools.

      HMH recommends that you add the OrgId to the entries for this CLASS_NAME field (Alg 1 111111111) as well as the CLASS_ID field (123_1111111) to best support classes that may move from org A to org B. If you do not do this, you may encounter situations in which a class cannot be created at a new org because that class already exists (active or inactive) at the original org.


A–Z, a–z, 0–9, spaces, and *symbols acceptable


*See Supported Symbols for complete list.

17-18 Algebra 1 12345678




If period structures are used for classes, enter the class period.

If period structures are not used for classes, enter 1.


Note: If changing a class roster or product list, but not changing the class name, then leave blank. This value should be entered only one time for each TEACHER_USERNAME + CLASS_ID combination.


A–Z, a–z, 0–9, spaces, and *symbols acceptable


*See Supported Symbols for complete list.





Enter the grade associated with the class.



      Only one grade can be entered for each class; if class consists of multiple grades, enter the grade that best represents the class such as the median grade of the students in the class.

To help determine the most representative grade for a class, do the following:

1.    Obtain the course/class grade if available and accurate.

2.    Map the course code to a grade level, if applicable.

3.    Use the SQL sample code file provided here to find the median grade level of students in the class. (Click link to open SQL code file.)

      If changing a class roster or product list, but not changing the class name, then leave blank. This value should be entered only one time for each TEACHER_USERNAME + CLASS_ID combination.


PK = Pre Kindergarten

K = Kindergarten

1 = Grade 1

2 = Grade 2

3 = Grade 3

4 = Grade 4

5 = Grade 5

6 = Grade 6

7 = Grade 7

8 = Grade 8

9 = Grade 9

10 = Grade 10

11 = Grade 11

12 = Grade 12





Enter the student usernames to be added or removed from the class roster.


Note: If not adding or removing student accounts from the class roster, leave blank.


A–Z, a–z, 0–9, and *symbols acceptable


Note: Spaces are not allowed.


*See Supported Symbols for complete list.





Specify whether the student account is being added or removed from the class roster by entering "A" for activate (add) or "I" for inactivate (remove).



      If not adding or removing student accounts from the class, leave blank.

      Inactivating student accounts in this import file removes the student from the class roster; it does not inactivate the student's Holt McDougal Online account. To inactivate a student's account, you must include the student account in the user.csv file and enter an "I" in the Activate field (column Q) of that file.

      Click to learn how to inactivate (remove)HMO classes.


A = Activate

I = Inactivate





Enter the 10 or 13 character ISBN product codes to identify the products to be added or removed from the class product list.

See Locate ISBN Codes for details.



      Multiple values must be entered on separate rows. On each additional row added, keep the CLASS_NAME, GRADE, AND CLASS_PERIOD fields empty.

      Leading zeros must be preserved by preceding the number with an apostrophe ('). See Retain Leading Zeros for more details.

      Leaving this field empty allows you to activate products using the HMO platform. See Activate Products for details.


A–Z and 0–9 acceptable





For each row, enter the word "New" or "Update" to specify the purpose of this row in the import file.

      New indicates that this row contains the addition of a student or product (ISBN) to the class.

      Update indicates that this row contains the removal of a student or product (ISBN) from the class or a change to a class detail, such as CLASS_NAME, GRADE, OR CLASS_PERIOD.


Note: A separate row must be used for each addition or update; for example, you cannot update a class name and add a new student on the same row.








Enter a "Y" to remove the product identified in column H (ISBN) from the class product list.

If a product is being added or no product is being affected, leave the field blank.


Y = Remove product

leave blank = Add product or no product changes



*Supported Symbols: !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]_` {|}~\¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬-®¯°±²³´¶¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþ

If you plan to use these extended special characters, you must save the file as a UTF-8 file. (See Encode Files as UTF-8 for details.)

Additionally, HMH recommends that all fields and headers be placed in quoted identifiers.

Class Name Tips

For best results in managing classes, use class names that are unique and easy to identify. The HMH recommendation is provided here.


      For many reasons (moves, marriage, divorce), the inclusion of the teacher name or teacher ID as part of the class name can be problematic and is not recommended.

      HMH highly recommends the inclusion of the SchoolID (or local building ID) as part of the class name to ensure that situations such as, class moves between schools, are accounted for and do not cause data errors.


School Year + Course ID + Course Name + SchoolID + Section Number + Semester Number

For example, if you have two ninth-grade algebra classes, one taught by Sarah Masterson and the other taught by Lupina Baez, you may simply name them “2016-123-Algebra 1 001 Sec1 S1” and “2016-123-Algebra 1 001 Sec2 S1”. This method requires less long-term maintenance because you will not have to enter new classes when teachers change roles or leave the school system.

Additional options include any of the following:

School Year + SchoolID + Class ID + Class Name + Section Number + Semester Number

School Year + SchoolID + Course ID + Course Name + Class Number + Semester Number

School Year + SchoolID + Course ID + Course Name + Class Name + Semester Number

Tip: The CLASSNAME field must be no longer than 75 characters, so abbreviations may be necessary.

