Fast Track

When students start working on a Topic, the Fast Track and Learn Zone buttons are enabled. After watching the Anchor Video, students may move to Fast Track as a path through the Learn Zone. Students have the option of moving to the Learn Zone or choosing to Fast Track through the lesson.

Fast Track allows students to demonstrate mastery of a lesson or parts of the lesson. Click Fast Track on the Dashboard or at any point in the Learn Zone to open the Fast Track assessment. Students see up to three questions on the lesson’s objective. Students who complete three problems correctly advance to the next Learn Zone lesson. Students who complete two problems correctly advance to the Master portion of the Learn Zone, accelerating through the Think, Try, and Practice portions. Students who complete one problem correctly advance to Practice. Students with no correct answers start the lesson at the beginning with Think and Try.

Begin Fast Track by filling in the required fields in the expression.

When all the fields in the step are filled, click Next Step. To go back and correct a field, click the field. The steps will reverse to that point, and the answers may be changed. After finishing the last step, click Check It for feedback. When finished with the question, click Go On.

Click Learn Zone to leave Fast Track at any point and move to the Learn Zone.

Some activities use an mTool, such as the Array Model. Activities that use an mTool have a link to the mTool Tutorial. Click the mTool Tutorial icon for instructions on using the mTool.

To view an instructional video on the math concept of the lesson, click Think Video. To open the Glossary, click Glossary.

Students may check their progress through Fast Track by clicking Lesson Progress. This opens the Progress Tracker and shows student progress through the lesson.

At the end of the Fast Track assessment, students see their time and the number of correct answers. This data is also recorded on their Dashboard. Click Go On to continue with the lesson in Learn Zone or return to the Dashboard.

Students who do not successfully finish Fast Track go to the beginning of the lesson or return to the last work completed in the Learn Zone if they started the lesson before going to Fast Track.