Stretch Read

When you are in Levels 4-6 and complete your Success Zone recording, you proceed to the Stretch Read task. The Stretch Read task is an alternative text based on the Anchor Text but at  the upper Lexile® range of the segment texts.

      Level 4 students read a Level 5 text

      Level 5 students read a Level 6 text

      Level 6 students read a Level 5 text with different text type and information than the previous Level 5 text


When you open Stretch Read, a reading strategy is read to guide your reading. Use similar steps for the Stretch Read activity as you used for the Reading Zone.

1.    Click the arrow to open the Support Tray to view the Anchor Video, hear the Stretch Read text read, record, hear the strategy, or view Power Words. See READ & RECORD for details.

2.    When you complete the Stretch Read, rate your understanding of the text. See Self Check for details.

3.    Answer two comprehension questions. See Comprehension Questions for details.

4.     Click GO ON to complete the Stretch Read activity.