View Library Link

The HMH Player library allows you to view available resources for a class. You can assign some resources while other resources assist you in presenting the class to students. The Assign icon identifies resources that you can use to create an assignment from the resource.  

The library offers available resources using the following hierarchy.

      Core Components:  A program is designed using Core Components consisting of core student and teacher components. Student Core Components contain resources that you assign while teacher Core Components contain the same resources plus additional materials intended for use only by teachers.

Additional materials that may display on the core components screen include:

      Study aids and workbooks

      Teaching aids

      ELL components


      Intervention components


      Units:  Programs can be divided into multiple units but do not contain unit-level resources.

      Chapters:  Chapters are similar to sections of a book and can contain chapter-level resources that you can assign and that apply to the entire chapter but not to an individual lesson.

      Lessons:  Lesson resources can be HMH lessons or custom lessons that you assign. When you select an HMH lesson, it can contain multiple resources. Each custom lesson is a single resource with no additional resources assigned.


      Chapters (K-5) and Lessons (6-12):  Chapters can contain only chapter-level resources that you assign and apply to the entire chapter but do not apply only to an individual lesson.

      Grade-level:  Programs can contain grade-level resources that you assign.

See Also:

Program Card

Create and Manage Lessons

Navigate the Dashboard