Complete Assignments

The Assignments page lets you see your assignment list, open assignments, and submit completed assignments.

Note: Some program-specific assignments appear only within the program and are not listed on this page. If your class uses the Connected Programs Amira or iRead, then the program cards appear at the top of your Assignments page. To view your assignments for Amira and iRead programs, click the card to open the program in a separate window.

If you have assignments for the Connected Programs Waggle, Writable, or Writing Task, those assignments are listed and can be opened on your Assignments page along with all your other assignments. These assignments are also available to view and open within the program cards.

To complete an assignment:


1.    In the banner, click the Assignments tab. The Assignments page opens to the To Do tab, which shows all assignments in all subjects that are assigned to you, not completed, and due today, tomorrow, or a future date.

The list is sorted from the assignment with the latest due date (furthest in the future) at the top and the assignment with the earliest due date at the bottom; any assignments due "today" appear at the bottom of the list. Assignments that are past the due date are listed on the Overdue tab.


Assignments page - To Do tab


Note: While all your assignments are listed in the Assignments tab, some assignments are also listed on your Dashboard. The Due Today and Overdue assignments area of the Dashboard lists your assignments that are due today and the assignments that are up to 20 days past the due date and allows you to open and complete the assignments.


2.    Find the assignment to complete, and if necessary, filter and sort the assignment lists as follows:

On-screen Field



Subject list

From the Subject list, select a subject to narrow the assignment list showing on the page to only assignments for the subject that you want to see.

Select a subject list

DUE DATE column header

Click the DUE DATE column header to change the order of the list from earliest due date to the latest (furthest in the future) due date.



      Some assignments may display a time of day (for example, 2:00 PM) after the date, which is the time your teacher set for the assignment to be submitted.


      Some assignment may state No late work accepted, which means this assignment cannot be submitted after specified due date and time.

Due Date Column Header Button

To Do tab

Click the To Do tab to view a list of all assignments that are not completed and have a due date of today, tomorrow, or a future date.

To Do tab image

Overdue tab

Click the Overdue tab to view a list of all assignments that are not completed and are past the due date.

Overdue tab image

Done tab

Click the Done tab to view a list of all assignments that you have completed.

Done tab image


3.    When you find the assignment to complete, do either of the following in the Actions column:

      Click Start button to open an assignment that you have never opened.


      Click Continue button to reopen an assignment that you have already opened at least once.


Assignments with a Google Classroom icon Google Classroom icon beside the names are "linked" with Google Classroom, which allows you to view and open these assignments in both Ed and Google Classroom. When you open or reopen a linked assignment, you may be prompted to sign in to your Google Classroom account.


4.    If you are prompted to sign in to your Google Classroom account, see Sign In to Google Classroom for instructions.


Note: If a Directions dialog box appears, the assignment you opened is an eBook for which your teacher included instructions. Click Continue and make note of the instructions. The eBook assignment opens in a new browser window. For further eBook assignment details, see Step 5.

Directions dialog box containing instructions

Once an eBook or other non-online assessment assignment is opened, the status on the Assignment page (and on the Dashboard, if applicable) changes to Continue and I'm Done buttons.


5.    Complete the assignment; note that the steps to finish each assignment may be different, depending on the program and assignment type, as follows:


      For downloadable files (such as PDFs), save and/or print the file and complete according to the instructions. When you are done and ready to submit it to your teacher, return to the Assignments page in Ed, locate the assignment on the To Do tab, and click I'm Done.

The completed assignment moves to the Done tab, and the system tells your teacher that you have completed the assignment.


      For some digital assignments and practice assessments, you may be able to check your work and get helpful feedback. After putting in a response, click the Check button (if available). You are informed whether your response is correct or incorrect, and if incorrect, you are provided with additional information to help guide you to answer the question correctly.

Practice Assessment dialog box showing an incorrect answer with the check answer feedback provided


      For eBooks, complete the assignment according to the instructions. (See Navigate eBooks for details about working with eBook assignments.) When you are done with the assignment, you can submit it to your teacher in either of the following ways:

To submit ...


In the eBook

a.    Click the Assignment button in the upper right corner of the eBook.


Note: The Assignment icon only appears if the eBook has been assigned.

Assignment button within an eBook assignmen


b.    In assignment dialog box, click I'm Done.  

Assignment details dialog box


The button changes to Submitted.


In Ed, the completed assignment moves to the Done tab, and the system tells your teacher that you have completed the assignment.


In Ed

a.    Return to the Assignments page in Ed.


b.    Locate the assignment on the To Do tab, and click I'm Done.

Continue and I'm Done buttons


The completed assignment moves to the Done tab, and the system tells your teacher that you have completed the assignment.


      For online assessments, see details in the following table.



Begin assessment

    Click Start to begin.

Begin assessment page


Move from item to item in the assessment

The navigation buttons are located in the lower right corner of the assessment page.

Assessment item page


    To move to the next item, click Go or click the next item number.

Assessment navigation bar - Go button identified


    To go back to the previous item, click the back arrow or click the previous item number.

Assessment navigation bar - Back arrow identified


    To move to any item, click the number of the item.


Save and exit the assessment before completion

a.    Click the Save and Exit button.

Save and exit button


The work you have done in the assessment is saved. A dialog box appears asking if you want to resume the activity or exit.

Activity saved page

b.    Click Exit. The Assignments page appears, and the status of this assessment changes to Continue button.


When you are ready to continue this assessment, click Continue button to reopen it.

Complete the assessment and submit for scoring

a.    Click Finish button. A Submit activity box appears.


Note: If any questions were not completed, the dialog box notes that. To complete any unfinished items, you must click No.


Submit activity page


b.    Click Yes.


Note the following:

      If the completed assignment was a growth measure assessment, you may see a page displaying your score. Growth measure assessments are not available for review.


      For most assignments, the Assignments page appears, and the completed assignment moves to the list of assignments on the Done tab.


      If your teacher has to score any of the items, then the TEACHER FEEDBACK column shows a Scoring in Progress statement, and your teacher can see that the assessment is completed and ready to be scored.


6.    To review a completed assignment, open the Done tab and do either of the following:

      For an eBook or PDF, click the Open button button.


      For a scored assessment, click the Review button button. Scored assessments can also be reviewed by opening the score on the Scores tab. (For complete details, see Review Scored Assessments.)

Assignments page - Done tab


Note: If you see a Feedback button in the TEACHER FEEDBACK column, it means that your teacher has comments for you about this assignment. Click the Feedback button button to open and see your teacher's comments.


    See View Feedback for Assignments for more information.


See Also:

Navigate the Assignments Page

Navigate eBooks