Prepare and Import Using ThinkCentral Template

The steps necessary to roster classes using the ThinkCentral (TC) template are provided as follows.

Before You Begin

    Set up a default import administrator in ThinkCentral and Holt McDougal Online.

To import data, you must be set up as the default import administrator for your organization. This is the user who is responsible for importing to HMH platforms. See Set a Default Import Administrator for details.


To prepare and import using ThinkCentral import files:

1.    Download the ThinkCentral (TC) template. (Click to download.)


2.    Review the file and field requirements, field-level instructions, and accepted values. See ThinkCentral (TC) Template File Details for more information.


      For ThinkCentral (TC) files, student accounts, teacher accounts, and class data can all be imported using a single file. However, you may find it easier to separate each role into individual files—for example, one file for teacher accounts, one for student accounts, and one for class data.

      HMH recommends that you work only in the CSV format when creating and populating the files. If you must work in Microsoft Excel®, please review and follow the instructions provided in the following link: Cautionary Tips for Using Excel.


3.    If you are manually loading your files (as opposed to using SIS extract), open the first file to be populated and type or copy data into the file beginning in row 2.

Note the following important points:

      The top row of each file (row 1) contains the headings for each column; this row must be retained exactly as is and not overwritten.

      Required fields must be populated.

Note: The requirements for a given field may depend on the user role (student, teacher, class) of the row being populated. Example

Refer to the ThinkCentral (TC) Template File Details for field-specific requirements.

      The completed file must contain the correct number of fields, and all fields must remain in the correct order.

      Commas must be used to separate the fields, but commas cannot be used within any field without quoted identifiers.

      Fields that are not required may remain empty, but even empty fields must be retained using commas. Do not use a space for an empty field.

      If your users access HMH Player®, the username must be globally unique.

Warning: Once a username is set in ThinkCentral, it cannot be changed in the database. To change existing usernames in the database requires a mass purge of all the user accounts for a given role and then an import of a new file with the edited usernames.

      If the data in your system utilize special characters, it is strongly recommended that you save your CSV file as a UTF–8 file before importing. See Encode Files as UTF–8 for details.

      If you are moving multiple users from school to school or class to class, additional conditions apply; see TC – Move User Accounts for details.

      Empty rows between rows of data are not allowed.


4.    When you have finished adding data to the template, save as a CSV (comma delimited) file.


5.    Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each template file, until you have populated and saved all template files.


6.    Compress each prepared CSV file into a zipped file, and name the file according to the naming rules. (Click for details.)

Note: Only one ThinkCentral CSV file may be included in the compressed (zipped) file. If you prepared more than one import file, then each individual CSV file must be compressed into a separate zipped file.

If you are a Mac® user, click to view a warning about compressing Mac files.


7.    Manually import the file or set up automated imports. Depending on your role, see District Admin: Set Up Roster – Other or School Admin: Set Up Roster – Other to continue.


See Also:

About ThinkCentral Template Files