About Products and Resources

Teachers can make use of Holt McDougal Online products, resources, and programs in their classes.

      Products — Online textbooks; for example, Collections Grade 10 eBook.

      Resources — Online content, such as assessments and additional instruction, that you receive with Holt McDougal Online products.

      Programs -—Holt McDougal Online programs, such as Journeys 2017 and Go Math 2015, that includes resources.

Note: The recommended process for adding products to your class is by activating the product and adding it at the same time. You can also edit a class to add a product or change the current product.

If you want to. . .

See. . .

Activate a product that is not currently available and (optionally) add it to a class

Activate Products

Select a product when setting up a class

Add Classes

Modify the product currently assigned to a class

Edit Classes

Find a product not on the list when adding or editing a class

Add Programs


See Also:

Activate Products

Add Programs

Resources from the Dashboard